


Is the JASIN Program an intensive Japanese language study program?

No. The JASIN Program is designed as a study abroad program for university students. Therefore, in addition to a Japanese language class, which is 4 credits, all full-time students are required to register for and stay enrolled in an additional minimum of 8 credits of classes from Japan Studies, the seminars, and the Independent Study Option.

Can the JASIN Program sponsor my visa if I only study part time?

No. The JASIN Program can only sponsor student visas and to qualify for a student visa one has to maintain full-time student status at Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies.

Does the JASIN Program accept applications from independent applicants?

No. Persons who are not currently enrolled in a university can not apply as such to the program.

Are there summer classes?

No. The JASIN calendar has two semesters, one in the fall and one in the spring. Notice, however, that the Spring Term does not begin until the very end of March, so some students on quarter calendars may be able to attend the Spring Term after finishing the first quarter of the year.

How do I get application materials?

Download the application forms from this site, or email the program at the International Center and they will send you an application packet.

What is the Early Out Option?

The Japanese academic calendar has the Fall Term continuing from late September through early February of the following year. Because some students, who are studying in the JASIN Program in the Fall Term need to be back at their home universities before the middle of February, the Program offers the option to finish coursework early, by the last class day before the Winter Holidays in late December. This option is available only to students who will be ending their studies in the JASIN Program in the Fall Term. Students who will be continuing their studies in the Program in the following Spring Term are not allowed to take the Early Out Option.

What is the weather like in Nagasaki?

Nagasaki enjoys a semitropical climate. This means it rarely freezes and plants such as palm trees can thrive. Southern Japan is quite hot and humid in the summer. Though it rarely snows nor freezes, the winters can feel cold because of the humidity, wind, and the fact that most houses are not centrally heated.

How much does it cost to live in Nagasaki?

Students have to pay for their textbooks and for everyday living expenses which include all lunches and transportation between the college and their host family’s home. (Students in the dormitory can walk to classes.) Of course, the amount of money spent by each student varies widely depending on how much shopping, traveling and socializing the students engages in. Students report that is is very difficult to live on less than 5,000 to 10,000 yen per week, with 10,000 to 20,000 per week being more realistic. Traveling and socializing in Japan are relatively expensive, but they are also valuable experiences in getting to know more about Japanese society than the classes, field trips and housing situations provide.

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